About Me

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My name is Marissa, I'm 18, My bday is 12/4/89, I'm usually the youngest in the class.I have 3 best friends: Alycia, Heather, and Amanda. I dance at Fusionworks Dance Academy. I've been cheering since i was 5, I was Captain of my high school cheerleading squad. I have 1 tattoo and 8 piercings. My favorite colors are pink and purple. I graduated from Johnston High School in 2007.I work at American Eagle in Smithfield and i love it! In the summer i work at an ice cream shop; Sundaes in Johnston. I have two jack russell terriers; Lily and Missy, and one cat Tiger and one fish; Ugg. I have 3 older siblings, two sisters and one brother. I'm majoring in Elementary Ed, and Special Ed (mild moderate). umm..i think thats it for now.. If you wanna talk IM me: xOx Mariss82xOx or Facebook me! :D -Marissa

Monday, February 11, 2008

Kozol and Goldberg

- Whites against Black
-Drug Abuse
-Issues in the classroom
-Home Life


Both Kozol and Goldberg argue that poverty, sickness, and wealthy-ness are big issues in society. If you are rich then you get a higher education compared to someone who is living in poverty because they are surrounded by filth in their enviorment. When someone is sick, they have to wait days in the waiting room, compared to someone who is wealthy they will be seen asap. If a child has all distractions such as family issues and poverty and illness, they are not going to be focused on their school work, leading them to do poorly in school.


"There are children in the poorest, most abandoned places who, despite the miseries and poisons in the world has pumped into their lives, seem, when you first meet them, to be cheerful anyway." (6)

-This quote really fasicnated me because it seems as though people who are living in these conditions are used to living this way, and they know things really suck so they try to make the best out of their life. They are happy that they are even alive. This is the attitude is the way everyone should be and there would be no hate in the world.

"Why are the bears in the tree i ask. he doesnt answer me but he smiles at the bears affectonetly. I saw a boy get shot in the head over there he says a moment later, in a voice that does not sounds particualary sad. Then looks up at me and asks if i want a choc. chip cookie" (6)

-This is shocking because it seems as though this boy is not bothered by the horrors in the world because he has seen the worst compared to people in a higher soceity they do not see these things, they simply hear them on the news. It is just amazing how people can live in a world like that.

1 comment:

Dr. Lesley Bogad said...

ooks like you got a good sense of Kozol but how does Goldberg challenge him? Say more.

LB :)